Remote Transcription Jobs

Transcription consists of taking audio or video content and typing up a written copy of it. For instance, transcriptionists may create subtitles for films, compile records of court proceedings, or convert recorded interviews into written form. Transcription is sometimes "verbatim," meaning the audio must be recorded exactly as it is, but it can also involve light editing work to clean up the audio for publication.

Transcription work is often offered on a freelance basis, although traditional jobs in this field do exist. In many cases, transcription jobs are remote-friendly and may be done from home, which makes this a popular side hustle.

The skills required for transcription include active listening, editing, the technical skills to handle audio files and transcription software, and typing (most transcriptionists can sustain speeds of at least 40 words per minute, and many are much faster). Transcription doesn't usually require a degree or certification, although specialized knowledge may be required for certain niches, such as medical transcription.

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